
Governance Framework

The Governance Framework (‘The Framework’) sets out our Board and Committee structure, the roles and responsibilities of the Board and its Committees and their respective Terms of Reference.  It is designed to promote effective leadership, robust oversight, and closely aligns with the requirements of the UK Corporate Governance Code and relevant legal requirements. 

The Framework serves as a key reference for directors, senior management, and stakeholders, providing clarity on how key decisions are made at Haleon. The Board regularly reviews The Framework to ensure it remains fit for purpose and reflects current best practices in corporate governance.

Role of the Board

Our Board is responsible for the long-term sustainable success of Haleon, the Group's system of corporate governance and is ultimately accountable for the Group's activities, strategy, risk management and financial performance.

The Board is accountable to shareholders for ensuring that Haleon is appropriately managed and achieves the strategic objectives it sets. The Board carries out its responsibilities through a programme of at least six scheduled meetings a year, which includes the approval of overall budgetary planning and business strategy.

The Board reviews Haleon’s internal controls and risk management policies, as well as reviewing its governance structure and code of conduct. It also appraises and approves major financing, investment and licensing decisions, and evaluates and monitors the performance of Haleon as a whole. Matters which are reserved for the decision of the Board can be found below.

In accordance with the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Corporate Governance Code, Haleon requires that at least half the Board, excluding the Chair, are independent Non-Executive Directors. Further information on Director independence can be read in the Annual Report & Accounts.

Roles and Responsibilities (Chair, Chief Executive and Senior Independent Director)

The roles and primary responsibilities of the Chair, Chief Executive and Senior Independent Director, as agreed by the Board, can be viewed in the role descriptions below.

Board Committees


The role of the Committee is to provide oversight and effective governance over:

  • the appropriateness of financial reporting of Haleon plc and, where relevant, its subsidiaries, including the adequacy of related disclosures
  • the performance of both the internal audit function and the external auditor
  • the effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal controls
  • the Group’s risk management system and monitoring of business risks
  • the Company’s process for monitoring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ethical codes of practice

The Committee consists entirely of Independent Non-Executive Directors.


The role of the Environmental & Social Sustainability Committee is to provide oversight and effective governance over progress with the environmental and social sustainability agenda of Haleon plc and the external governance and regulatory requirements relevant to these areas.


The role of the Nominations & Governance Committee is to lead the process for appointments to the Board and make recommendations as appropriate; to ensure plans are in place for orderly succession to both the Board and senior management positions, and oversee the development of a diverse pipeline for succession. The Committee also has a role to ensure that the Company is managed to high standards of corporate governance.


The role of the Committee is to set the broad structure for the Company remuneration policy and to determine the remuneration of the Chair of the Board, the Executive Directors, members of the senior management team (“Senior Management”) (being the Haleon Executive Team), the Company Secretary and such other senior executives as required. It is also charged with reviewing workforce remuneration and related policies and the alignment of incentives and rewards with the Company’s culture.

Board Inclusion Policy

At Haleon, we recognise that the Board sets the tone for inclusion across the business. We strive to reflect Haleon’s aspirations in relation to its employees, its values and to position Haleon as a leader in these areas. 

The Board’s Inclusion Policy was approved by the Board and confirms the Board’s approach to inclusion.