Embedding strong ethical business behaviours across our value chain is fundamental.

We only want to work with third parties who share our commitment to high standards and who operate responsibly. This includes compliance with all national laws and regulations and expected compliance with international conventions, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact covering human rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

Our supply chain is vital to our continued business success and delivery of our wider business strategy. Working to ensure suppliers are aligned with our high environmental, social, and ethical standards can support the long-term viability of working with these suppliers and contribute to our commercial success.

This commitment is reflected in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which establishes the minimum standards that must be met by any entity that supplies products or services to Haleon, including on issues such as child labour, wages and remuneration, and environmental responsibility.

We expect each supplier to comply with its provisions and ensure that its workers and subcontractors are aware of the Supplier Code and comply with provisions that are relevant to them. We also expect our suppliers to pass these obligations up the value chain to their suppliers.